Sunday, June 22, 2008

Cell phone morons

I've been noticing more and more when I'm driving people weaving from side to side, totally ignoring those white signs with the numbers on them either 10-15 mph below or at warp drive, braking for green lights, right turns on red without stopping, traffic control signs mean nothing. Are these people driving under the influence? No they are talking on a cell phone when they should be driving. It's illegal to talk on a cell phone without a hands free device in Connecticut and other states. I think it should be illegal with a hands free device. You're operating a piece of steel that weighs several thousand pounds and you're not paying attention. You should receive the same penalties as a drunk driver because you're just as much out of control of that vehicle as a drunk is.
Why do people need to talk while they are driving, shopping, eating or just walking? Are you really that important? Or do you just hang with a bunch of losers who call each other all the time to make each other feel important? Get some lives and maybe some day you actually may do something decent for humanity. Oh and lets not forget Mr. & Ms business person you are such a multitasker that you probably need the phone to look at pictures of your kids and spouse and need the name that goes with it, is your tombstone going to be in the shape of laptop or blackberry and the coffin that of a cell phone. Epitaph 'I didn't spend enough time at work'.
You need a life too. When was the last time you did something that really on a human personal level helped someone? You probably don't have a clue what a human personal level is unless you can Google it so my question is pretty much worthless.
Some medical studies are now showing that close prolonged exposure to the rays coming off a cell phone cause brain cancer. Maybe you should have to be over 18 to use one just like cigarettes or maybe 21 like booze? Then again I'm not sure how they could prove this causes brain cancer because in my mind anyone with a brain and using it would not talk on a phone the amount of time needed to get the cancer.
To all you who feel as I do let's help suppress this disease, when you see someone talking on the cell phone driving a car, blow your horn at them, in a restaurant or store ask them to put it on speaker so you can hear both sides of the conversation. Most important contact your elected officials and have them ban cell phone use by people under 18 or 21 until they prove that the use of a cell phone doesn't cause cancer. We know it causes atrophy of human personal relationships. Insurance companies are now finding out how many accidents are caused by drivers talking on the cell phone hands free or otherwise and with the money they're paying out those laws will change soon.
In your wondering, yes I do have a cell phone it's prepaid and I carry it in my car and on my bike and use it very sparingly, I had 300 minutes on it at the end of January and still have over 200 left.

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