Thursday, September 6, 2012

Cities = Cesspools

Ahh cities! The cesspools of modern society, the drain on taxpayers everywhere since they can not support themselves.
In the beginning cities had a reason they brought people closer together for protection,  people actually produced things in cities manufactured things and traded for food and other supplies and it worked for a time.
Then cities became to big, to many people not enough tax base so the cities started finding ways to tax the suburbs through state and federal taxes on people who don't live there and may never want to even visit.  And what do these poor middle class taxpayers who don't live in the city but are supporting them get.  If they live close enough they get the crime, the smog, the unwashed masses to lazy to work. Cities will be the downfall of modern civilization.  Look at New Haven does anything good come out of there or Waterbury or Hartford or any Connecticut city?