Thursday, June 12, 2008

There should be a law

We just went thru a heat wave out here in the North East. Ok it's called weather, mother nature normal happenings. So why does every media outlet make such a big deal of it? Why do they close schools? A lot of taxpayers are out working in the heat so why should kids and teachers not have to? Years ago there was no a/c in schools you just dressed cool drank a little more water and guess what you lived. Now the front page of the newspaper has rules to survive in the heat. I don't think our ancestors needed rules when they settled this country they just had common sense, when it's hot drink more liquid, work slower, dress cooler, our military personnel in the Mideast are fighting in temperatures that are higher then these the wimps are crying about. The same thing happens in the winter, when temperatures drop to freezing or below the media is putting out rules so people will stay alive.
I think that should be illegal. If you are past the age of reason and have what passes for normal intelligence these days and you don't know how to survive in different temperatures that's your problem. In my mind you're stupid and we don't need your DNA in the gene pool if we want the human species to survive. Based on that the media should not be allowed to help keep you alive. Even little kids or people with mental handicaps realize that when it's cold dress warmer, when it's hot dress cooler and when you get thirsty drink. If a "normal" person can't figure that out or they want to be so stylish in how the dress or act that they die because of it, oh well they'll be a stylish corpse. The gene pool will be better of with out them and there will be one less carbon footprint to waste oxygen and water on.

Jimmy Bonz

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