Sunday, June 8, 2008

The Demise of the United States of America

I wonder what thoughts go thru the minds of Bush and Cheney about the damage they've done to the USA. I wonder if they even care. In 4 years the 2 men who were elected to protect, lead and guide the greatest nation history has ever known have brought it to it's knees possibly even down for the count.

4 years ago Saddam Hussien ruled Iraq he was selling oil at $19 a barrel everything in the world was proceeding in what was normal fashion. Then Bush and Cheney were "re-elected" some say they were given the election because Bush's brother was Governor of FL the state who's recount gave the election to Bush and Cheney.

Bush had a problem with Saddam Hussien since back around 1990 when Saddam kicked daddy Bush's ass in the first gulf war it was now payback time. Bush had no problem enlisting the help of Cheney, they were both oil men and their other oil friends didn't like Saddam either because he sold oil too cheap.

The Bush Cheney administration declares that Iraq has weapons of mass destruction (never proved) then send in the US military, capture Saddam execute him and turn the oil fields over to their friends. In 4 year oil is hovering around $130 per barrel heating oil and gas are over $4. per gal from under $1. for heating oil and maybe about $1.25 for gas 4 years ago. Why is the US not getting the Iraq oil for free since we are giving them billions in aid per month not counting the 4000+ American lives lost and the 100,000+ American lives ruined. Thanks Bush and Cheney in any other country you would have been impeached and tried for treason. I can't find a valid reason it hasn't happened. I can only hope who ever is elected in November remembers their responsibility is to the USA not oil companies, multinational corporations, or other countries but America over and above all others.

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