Sunday, March 8, 2009

Banning Barbie

Has anyone heard of parental control, parental duty, parental responsibility? It appears not. I forgot what city or town or state banned the sale of Barbie dolls because something along the line of giving girls a false body image. Do these morons watch TV or listen to the radio, this country is going down the toilet and they're worried about a doll? If you're worried about false images you better ban TV, movies, magazines anywhere there are pictures of women. It's American culture actually every cultural has it's "perfect" type so now they want to make a CHILD'S TOY, A DOLL THAT HAS BEEN AROUND FOR 50 YEARS ILLEGAL right up there with automatic weapons and crack these people need a life.Back to my first question to my way of thinking it is the responsibility of the parents to give their offspring a good self image, to explain life to them that everyone is different and they should just be the best they can be. It doesn't appear parents can handle this so let's dump it on the government and the taxpayers. Yes the taxpayers who do think paid the legislators to enact this inane law, and it'll probably cost more to enforce it I can just see it now the BEA (Barbie Enforcement Agency) raiding toy stores guns drawn and all, it'll be a new reality show. How about the people who already one or more, do they have to turn them in? Will we have a new criminal element 6-12 year old girls dealing in illegal Barbies? Will they be suspended if they bring one to school?
Morons and idiots are running the world. This has to right up there with the stupidest law enacted in the history of the USA maybe the world

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